Village Rwanda UK support a community in a remote and rural part of Rwanda, working through local NGO Gihombo Forward (GiFo) to provide Early Years education, to develop basic community healthcare and to support villagers in developing business ideas to generate sustainable incomes and be self sufficient.
If you would like to learn more about Village Rwanda, there will be an open meeting on Saturday 6th October 2018 at Bollington Community Centre, Ovenhouse Lane, Bollington SK10 5EY

A buffet lunch will be available from 1pm.
Village Rwanda UK is interested to know your views on how your money has been spent and what the future may hold for its partnership with friends in Rwanda.
e-mail Tricia – or by telephone if you want to attend..

Members of the new GiFo board who all have families living in Gihombo and who all want to work hard for their own futures and those of their children.
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