A Cheshire East Council-backed ‘Dragons Den’ event has handed out more than £88,000 to local carer organisations.
More than 100 local people attended the grant-awarding event, hosted by the Cheshire East Carers’ Hub (26 September), to take part in a forum, where voting took place to pick the organisations to receive a share of the funding.
Cheshire East Carers’ Hub, run by n-compass Northwest and funded by Cheshire East Council and East Cheshire NHS Trust, is committed to working in partnership with local organisations and groups to extend their reach in supporting carers to fulfil their role, while maintaining carers’ own health and wellbeing.
Representatives from 13 local organisations presented their ‘bid’ to the audience of carers for a share of the money – explaining how they would support carers should their application be successful.
The successful organisations were:
- Central Cheshire Buddy Scheme: £6,185 – To support young carers who have a disabled brother or sister, to give them a break as a young carer providing a support network with new opportunities, developing confidence and self-esteem. The project will allow young carers valuable ‘switch off time’ in a supportive environment;
- Cheshire Young Carers: £10,000 – A programme of activities for young carers in Cheshire East during school holidays when they feel most isolated from friends and social activities due to their care responsibilities at home;
- Space 4 Autism: £7,480 – This project will offer a programme of exciting, fun and educational social events and activities for carers that live with a family member(s) affected by an autism spectrum condition;
- Chelford Together Caring Communities Project: £8,715 – Passionate volunteers will help deliver this project, giving £56,000 of their time. It includes a carers’ wellbeing programme, musical events, befriending, awareness raising, digital inclusion and advice sessions;
- End of Life Partnership (EoLP) – Bereavement Project: £10,000 – EoLP will work with six compassionate communities to increase support and training for people who have experienced or are experiencing bereavement;
- Cheshire and Warrington Carers Trust – Time For Me: £9,988 – A wide range of planned and flexible events and activities including relaxation treatments for carers to enjoy across Cheshire East. Evening, weekend and daytime breaks co-produced with carers;
- Cheshire and Warrington Carers Trust – Parent Carer Project: £9,838 – A wide range of planned and flexible events and activities, including learning opportunities for parent carers to enjoy across Cheshire East. Evening, weekend and daytime breaks recognising the specific needs of parent carers;
- Audlem and District Community Action (ADCA): £9,360 – ADCA plans to expand the successful carers’ breaks already organised in the local area, to increase the number of carers supported to more than 100 and to cover a wider geographical area;
- End of Life Partnership (EoLP) – Caring with Confidence: £10,000 – The carers’ wellbeing programme improves carer health and wellbeing locally, through practical workshops that help people to care with confidence and for as long as they feel able; and
- Wishing Well: £6,434 – The ‘Lift In’ project aims to provide car-sharing for carers to local activities, services and appointments, with the additional outcome of connecting carers with like-minded people and social groups.

Counc Janet Clowes
Councillor Janet Clowes, Cheshire East Council cabinet member for adult social care and integration, said: “It was fantastic to see so many carers from across Cheshire East have their say on how to spend money that supports programmes to help carers across the borough – as they know best, after all.
“We have an army of carers, of all ages, looking after family and friends and who take on this tough job willingly and without expecting anything in return. I know that every pound received by local organisations will make such a difference to carers and help lighten their load just that little bit.”
More information about the Cheshire East Carers’ Hub can be found via the Cheshire East Council website
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