When Mike Porter of Macclesfield-based Milkshake Design, made a bet with a friend on who could grow his hair longer in a set time period, little did he know over two years later Mike would have won the bet and have hair over 18 inches long.

“As you can see its rather long!”
After 24 months of growth Mike has taken the decision to have his long locks cut – and rather than just braving the barbers, where his hair would be wasted as it falls to the ground, he’s chosen to have his hair put into pony tails. These will then be cut and retained for donation to the Little Princesses Trust charity, a charity which make wigs for children who have lost their own hair through illness or because of treatment for medical conditions such as cancer.
We think this is a wonderful charity and wish Mike all the best in his endeavour in raising money and providing long hair to the Little Princess Trust and he is looking to also raise £1,500 which will help to turn his and the hair of others into five wigs as each wig costs around £300 each to make. He has already received over £850 in donations so far.
If you wish to donate then you can do so through the Just Giving web site and its simple, fast and totally secure. Your details are safe with Just Giving.
Mike will be having his hair cut at Wilson’s Hairdressers on Chester Road in Macclesfield on 30th October, doubly brave we think as we’ve found out this is also Mike’s Birthday.
Mike’s page on the Just Giving website can be found here: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/mikes-hair-cut
Milkshake Design can be found here:
Milkshake Design
Wilsons Hairdressing can be found here:
Wilsons Hairdressing
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