West Park recently saw lots of families come together to embrace outdoor play and nature activities when Macclesfield Town Council hosted a Welly Walk and Nature needs you events in partnership with Macclesfield RSPB Wildlife Explorers.

Storyteller and Macclesfield Mayor Cllr Adam Schofield
Despite the rain and wind storm, just under 1,000 people pulled on their wellies and waterproofs to enjoy the activities on offer. This year saw the introduction of a ‘Storytelling tepee’ which provided a cosy retreat away from the weather, with the sound of self-penned stories from local actress Emily Anslow, including the Witches of West Park and the Trolls of Teggs Nose. The Mayor of Macclesfield. Cllr Adam Schofield also hosted storytime and read The Gruffalo.

Lavender bag making
Macclesfield RSPB Wildlife Explorers provided activities including the making of bird boxes, lavender bag making, bird feeders, seed planting and lots more.
Tina Hanak, Group Leader for Macclesfield RSPB Wildlife Explorers commented that ‘Our team of Leaders had a fabulous time at Welly Walk – it was a great opportunity to talk to local families about how best to take action to help nature in their own back yards. We ran lots of hands-on activities from crafting lavender bags and seed-bombs to planting native tree seeds and making bird feeders. It was fantastic to see so many children with beaming smiles, getting first-hand experience creating food, homes and potential habitat for wildlife. Whether children made bee homes or bird nest boxes, it seemed that everyone gained a real sense of achievement by contributing to something so worthwhile.’

Marshmallow toasting
Other activities on offer were the welly trail, face painting, a host of creepy crawlies to meet and hold, marshmallow toasting, soft archery, birds of prey and bush craft.
Helena Gowler, Community Engagement Officer for Macclesfield Town Council said ‘This is the second year we have held this event and we are so pleased that families embraced it, despite the stormy weather! It was so lovely to see children going away with bird boxes, bird food and lots of ideas for how they plan to help nature over the colder months. Encouraging children to play outdoors, whatever the weather, is our aim with this event and we hope the activities inspired people to do so.’
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