TEDx Macclesfield has been awarded a licence to put on a 2019 TEDx event – to take place on 4thMay 2019 at Macclesfield’s Townley Street Chapel.
The event will be strictly limited to 100 attendees, as per TEDx criteria and the focus will follow TED’s mission of ‘ideas worth spreading’ and the volunteer team promises to round up a wealth of interesting and engaging speakers, all with a connection to Macclesfield.
Organised by Lynne Jones and Jude D’Souza, the duo hope the talks will once again be a platform for further discussion and encourage new connections and initiatives across the town. Lynne commented “last years’ event was a sell-out success with great audience feedback and it acted as a catalyst for opening up conversations in the community. We’re thrilled to be doing it again at TEDxMacclesfield 2019 and want to showcase more ideas ‘from and for’ Macclesfield from people who can inspire and educate us”.
Professor Cathy Parker of Manchester Metropolitan University gave a talk at TEDxMacclesfield 2018 on her research into high streets and found it a “brilliant experienceand a great opportunity personally and professionally”. She added that “events like this can really strengthen the ties between people in the town and make great things happen”.

TEDx Macc 2018 Cathy Parker
All eight of last years’ talks were filmed and their contributions are available to watch now on www.TEDxMacclesfield.comor the dedicated TEDx YouTubechannel www.youtube.com/user/TEDxTalks.
– Emmanual Botwe, headteacher at Tytherington School:How to change a community by asking one simple question
– Christine Tacon, Groceries Code Adjudicator(supermarkets ombudsman):Curbing supermarkets power: is punishment the answer?
– Clay Nikiforuk, performer, writer, formerly compere of MaccLaughs:Rethinking the story of mental illness
– Kate Fletcher, Research Professor in sustainable fashion, University of the Arts, London: Usership: fashion beyond consumerism
– Cathy Parker, Professor of Marketing and Retail Enterprise at Manchester Metropolitan University:Why some towns thrive and others don’t
– Matthew Baqueriza-Jackson, until recently Deputy CEO, Centre for Local Economic Strategies:Changing spending, changing lives
– Sarah Bird & Rowan Hoban, Wild Rumpus CIC:We need to talk about nature
– Mathieu Isidro, Deputy Communications Manager, Square Kilometer Array, based at Jodrell Bank:How the world is coming together to build a time machine.
TEDx is an independently organised event under licence from TED. Tickets for this event are limited by the licence to 100 and will be sold online, organisers expect demand to be high. For more information on how to support, volunteer or be part of this exciting event go to www.TEDxMacclesfield.com.
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