If you’ve been considering adoption now is the time to act – as children in Cheshire East need your help.
Cheshire East Council is working with Adoption Counts, the second regional adoption agency to be established in the UK, bringing together the expertise of the local authorities of Cheshire East, Manchester, Salford, Stockport and Trafford.
Adoption is life changing and children and families are the sole focus at Adoption Counts. That is why it strives to match children with the right adopters, at the right time, by approving those equipped to meet the needs of children waiting to be found a loving and supportive family.
There are currently opportunities to adopt children of all ages, with an increased need for people who will consider children aged four and above, sibling groups, children of a black and minority ethnic (BME) background and children with complex needs. A wide range of pre and post-adoption support is available for all adopters, to provide all the advice and support they need.
Adoption Counts agency manager Sue Westwood said: “2018 was a great year for our agency and we are proud to have been able to create new families and witness the start of strong, life-long relationships between adoptive parents and children.
“However, we still need more families to come forward as adopters, to make sure that we can meet all of our children’s needs and do our best by them. We are eager to hear from people that are considering adoption.”
Councillor Jos Saunders
Councillor Jos Saunders, Cheshire East Council’s cabinet member for children and families, said: “Make 2019 the year you complete your family, change your life and the life of a child in East Cheshire. If you’ve been considering adoption for a while now is the time to act and take that first step.
“Our colleagues at Adoption Counts will be able to give you all the information and support you need. The number of people, who have adopted children in Cheshire East, has risen in the past few years and we are keen to continue this trend – as there are many children for whom this would make a real difference.”
Anyone interested in finding out more about becoming adopters in and around the region should contact Adoption Counts on 0300 123 2676 or visit their website.
Adopters come from all walks of life. You can be gay, heterosexual, single, in a civil partnership, married or co-habiting – all applications are very welcome and will be treated equally.
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