O ye, O ye! Macclesfield will host the inaugural Town Crier competition for the town at the Treacle Market on Sunday 28th April.
Visiting Town Crier’s from far and wide will be dressed in their finery, ready to compete for the coveted prizes. There will be awards for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place, best dressed Town Crier and best content of cry. Town Crier’s will be scored by a team of judges based on categories such as confidence and bearing as well as volume and clarity.
Everyone is welcome to watch this unique spectacle which will be held in St Michael’s Church yard.
The competition follows the introduction of the new Macclesfield Town Crier, John Parsons in April 2017. John has attended many of the town’s events over the last few years and has become a well-known local personality. John, who is organising the competition on behalf of Macclesfield Town council said ‘This is a unique event to Macclesfield; the first ever Town Mayor Town Crier’s Championships.
Macclesfield Town Crier, John Parsons
‘As Town Crier I was privileged to be approached to stage this wonderful, colourful, loud extravaganza on behalf of the Mayor and Town Council. The town will be graced with eleven of the best town criers in the country, all competing for the title of the first ever winner of the event. I can assure all visitors on the day that they will be mesmerised by the spectacle.’
The competition will start at 11am, preceded by the grand entrance of the Town Crier’s into the church yard, and will end around 1pm.
For more information, please contact Macclesfield Town Council on 01625 374142
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