Saturday 19th October, 2019, 7pm. St Michael’s Church, Market Place, Macclesfield. 25th September 2019
Macclesfield born and bred, Joy Division and New Order drummer, the legendary Stephen Morris takes to the stage in his home town for a conversation with former Hacienda DJ and now acclaimed writer Dave Haslam.
Dave Haslam
Expect plenty of anecdotes about their lives in music over the past 40 years covering some of the most seminal moments in rock history. Hear about their inspirations – and find out what the future holds for two of the country’s most influential creative artists.
Stephen’s recent, gripping and funny memoir Record Play Pause: Confessions of a Post-Punk Percussionist, and Dave’s latest book – We the Youth: Keith Haring’s New York Nightlife – will be available to buy on the night, and the event will conclude with a signing session with both Steve and Dave.
Don’t miss this chance to hear them chat in the intimate setting of St Michael’s church in Macclesfield.
Tickets are £11 in advance from
This is a trailblazer event for LIT, a weekend of stories and light in Macclesfield,
Friday 22-Sunday 24 November 2019. More details and a full programme will be available soon.
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