LIT is a weekend of stories and light in Macclesfield, the first edition of which will be held between Friday 22 and Sunday 24 November 2019.
LIT is a chance to tell, write, hear and share stories, to shine a light on creativity and unleash people’s imagination.
LIT kicked off with a trailblazing event on Saturday 19 October which featured former DJ Dave Haslam and New Order drummer Stephen Morris in conversation.
The weekend will feature events and workshops with stories and light as their inspiration.
Sir Gawain & the Green Knight Image ⓒ Fabric Lenny
Highlights include:
• A Polari-inspired double bill of the best LGBT+ writing and performance with Paul Burston and Jez Dolan on Friday 22November at King Edward Street Chapel.
• Agroup Playreading and discussion of Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman in the Savage Chapel at St Michael’s church on Friday 22 November.
• A FREE torchlit promenade through West Park on Saturday 23 November, uncovering the story of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight through sound and light installations.
• Creative writing and performance workshops with experts, on Saturday 23 November: get tips on Writing Short Stories, Writing Flash Fiction, Performing your Poetry, Writing non-fiction/memoir, Comedy Writing, Performing your Flash Fiction.
• A FREE LITle storytelling hub at Macclesfield library on Saturday 23 November and at St Michael’s church on Treacle Sunday – for kids of all ages, featuring international storytellers Jan Blake, Peter Chand and Nick Hennessey.
• Performances of six new short stories specially written for Macclesfield – on Saturday 23 November.
• Tickle Your Fancy Storytime cabaret on Saturday night hosted by Doolally – with loads of fun acts!
• An early morning smartphonephotography walk with Simon Buckley telling the story of Macclesfield at dawn, Sunday 24 November.
• A performance mixing memory and music with Macclesfield at its centre – with artist Simon Buckley and musician Michael Walsh, Sunday 24th November.
LIT wants to inspire the people and children of Macclesfield to find their inner storyteller – and to enjoy stories in all their different guises.
We’re also looking for volunteers to help us deliver LIT for Macclesfield. Contact if you’re interested.
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