Above: Kari Sellars’ image, Suburban Warrior 2, which received an Honourable Mention in the international Monochrome Awards
Professional photographer Kari Sellars has received recognition for her work by the International Monochrome Awards 2019.
Kari, who grew up in Gawsworth, now lives in in Mobberley and launched her business, Kari Sellars Photography, just 18 months ago, specialising in family, child and new-born photography.
Kari Sellars, originally from Gawsworth, attended Gawsworth Primary School and Fallibroome Academy
The Monochrome Awards is a competition – which in 2019 attracted nearly 6,000 submissions from photographers across the world – honouring the best in black and white photography.
Kari submitted three of her child portraitures – her first entry in a photography competition.
Kari said: “While I’m unbelievably proud of the photographs I create for myself and my clients, photography is a tough, competitive profession to be in. So it took an enormous amount of bravery for me to bite the bullet and submit my images into this auspicious competition, and I wasn’t expecting to be given any recognition.”
Kari’s other submissions
“When I received an email announcing that the winners of the awards had been selected I felt disappointment that my photographs obviously hadn’t made the grade.”
“But then I clicked on the link to see who the lucky prize winners were, and there it was – Suburban Warrior 2 – my photograph, amongst the work of talented, professional photographers from all over the world.”
“I’d been awarded an Honourable Mention for my portrait – it was one of my proudest photography moments to date.”
See more of Kari’s work at karisellars.com and @KariSellarsPhotography
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