Cheshire East Council has joined forces with Macclesfield Town Council and local stakeholders to help spearhead the town’s recovery from the impact of Covid-19.
A recovery working group has been created with the objective of developing a recovery plan for Macclesfield town centre and the wider town.
The group, jointly chaired by Councillor Janet Jackson MBE of Macclesfield Town Council and Matthew Baqueriza-Jackson of Make It Macclesfield, includes representatives of Cheshire East and Macclesfield Town councils as well as the voluntary sector, landlords and local businesses as well as experts in town centre development, housing and heritage.
This working group will seek and listen to the views of local residents and stakeholders, including local businesses, to harness ideas and develop schemes with the aim to ‘build back better together’.
The group will consider suggestions put forward to help the town centre recover from the impact Covid-19 has had on the local economy.
Macclesfield has begun a journey to recovery, with visitors to the town centre increasing over recent weeks since lockdown restrictions were eased.
Many cafes and restaurants benefited from an increase in customers during the ‘eat out to help out’ scheme last month. Macclesfield’s cinema, Cinemac, has also begun showing classic films and new releases and there has been the reopening of the town’s iconic Treacle Market.
As local children have been returning to schools, Macclesfield has also seen the opening of the Silk Museum, on Park Lane, which will be open on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays for visitors who pre-book hourly slots.
Councillor Nick Mannion
Councillor Nick Mannion, Cheshire East Council’s cabinet member for environment and regeneration, said: “It is important we continue to listen to residents and town centre businesses about ongoing issues and look for innovative ways to do what we can to support the town centre in recovery.
“Many people have relied far more heavily on their local services during lockdown and I hope we can look for ways to encourage that to continue to support the town centre in recovery. I encourage everyone who feels confident to do so, to shop locally and support your local high street.”
Councillor Fiona Wilson, Macclesfield Town Council’s town centre and regeneration champion, said: “I am pleased that we have quickly pulled together a varied and experienced working group to develop our recovery plan for the town centre. I look forward to seeing a town centre that is vibrant, with varied attractions for all our residents and visitors, which we can all enjoy and be proud of.”
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