Above: The APL return with Professor David Stevens with their impressive ‘What Lies Beneath’ Garden
BBC Gardeners’ World Live will be back at The NEC from 17 to 20 June 2021 and tickets are now on sale. Organisers have incorporated a number of measures for a successful and enjoyable event, including a larger event footprint to allow for social distancing, timed visitor entry and changes to the theatre layouts.
BBC Gardeners’ World presenters confirmed to appear include Monty Don, Adam Frost, Carol Klein,Joe Swift and Frances Tophill. BBC Gardeners’ World magazine columnist, Alan Titchmarsh, has also been confirmed to appear on Saturday, plus Toby Buckland on Sunday.
The main themes for the 2021 Show are flower power, sustainability and indoor gardening. The brand new My Gardeners’ WorldStage in the Floral Marquee will give exhibiting nurseries, special guests and the Gardeners’ World presenters a platform to share ideas about how everyone can do their bit for sustainability and the environment in their gardens, being mindful of the impact that activities have on wildlife and plants.
Bob Sweet, BBC Gardeners’ World Live’s Director of Horticulture, said “There is no doubt that gardening has been a great comfort to many, during the situation that we find ourselves in currently. We are growing as a nation of gardeners more than ever and, as such, we are delighted to be announcing plans for BBC Gardeners’ World Live 2021. Inspiring every level of gardener and garden lover, our themes are all the more pertinent to the world we live in today – Flower Power, Sustainability and Indoor Gardening. We are also thrilled to confirm that nearly all the designers, landscapers, exhibitors and sponsors from our postponed Show will be working alongside us to create a formidable event in 2021.”
Toby Buckland’s ‘Navigator Garden’ is confirmed. The coast, the focus of the garden’s design, is a point of no return and acts as a barometer of our rapidly changing climate. Toby’s garden will be awash with practical ideas to inspire and help gardeners navigate their gardens towards a greener future.
The Navigator Garden – Toby Buckland Show Garden
The APL return with Professor David Stevens with their impressive ‘What Lies Beneath’ Garden. This concept garden will inspire visitors with a wide variety of design ideas whilst demystifying the underlying structures that are so important in underpinning a great finished garden – on view in a unique, eye-level cross-section. Professor David Stevens said “There is no doubt that lockdown and difficult times have temporarily changed people’s lives, often with more emphasis on both house and garden. The latter has provided welcome relaxation and a new awareness of just what a garden has to offer, along with an opportunity to change or improve the layout. In doing this we become more aware of the complexities of construction, foundations for paving and walls or just how to build a raised bed, a garden pool and any number of other features.” David continues, “The answer to these questions is perfectly illustrated by ‘What Lies Beneath’, a garden that literally takes a garden apart to expose the intricacies and details of the construction as well as showing just how this underpins the finished composition from beginning to end.”
All five Show Gardens in APL Avenue, an annual visitor favourite, are confirmed. Each garden takes inspiration from everything British, from allotments to James Bond, with the new theme ‘A Very British Affair’.
At least six additional Show Gardens and Showcase Gardens are expected to be confirmed, including Derby College’s ‘Metamorphosis’ garden and ‘An Oasis of Peace’ by the Stroke Association. Show Garden applications are open until January for new participants.
The Beautiful Borders, with a ‘Power of Flowers’ theme, continues to boom with over 30 entries in 2021. Plus, family-friendly activities return, including the School Wheelbarrow Competition and a hands-on garden run by Roots to Fruit where children will be able to have a go at planting and creating an inspiring space at the Show.
With social distancing measures in place, the Floral Marquee and Plant Village continue to showcase a wide range of specialist nurseries and growers, including some new to the Show in 2021. In addition, the Marquee will feature an impressive Eremurusdisplay from master grower Jon Wheatley, and the all-new House of Plants feature created by Samantha Theakstone.
BBC Gardeners’ World Live takes place 17 to 20 June 2021 at The NEC Birmingham. For tickets and Show information visit www.bbcgardenersworldlive.com
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