Cheshire East Council is consulting residents on a plan to boost its council tax support scheme by £3.37m over the next three years for those on low incomes.
Proposals being consulted on include:
Increasing the support for all those in a council tax band C or higher;
Increasing the support for those on the lowest income;
Deducting childcare costs from earnings from those working and receiving universal credit;
Disregarding industrial injuries disablement benefit and industrial death benefit when calculating the level of support;
Increasing the support for those receiving certain benefits;
Adjusting the margins for income bands;
Increasing fixed non dependant deductions by £1 a week;
Reducing the earnings disregarded for those without children.
Councillor Sam Corcoran
Councillor Sam Corcoran, leader of Cheshire East Council and chair of the corporate policy committee, said: “We invite everyone to have their say in this consultation. While this is potentially good news for many people who receive council tax support, as they will see an increase in their entitlement, for some, it could impact them negatively and it is important all views are represented.”
Councillor Amanda Stott, vice chair of the corporate policy committee, said: “This consultation is open to more than just those who receive it. It’s there for people when they need the support and the pandemic has shown that this can be any of us. With that in mind, if you can, make sure you take a look at the document and the consultation survey.”
Additional information on the proposals and the link to the consultation can be found at until 19 September 2021.
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