Cheshire East Council has launched a consultation so residents, developers, and town and parish councils can comment on a proposed guide for managing flood risk on new developments.
The document will help property developers apply best practice so that flood risk on any new development is minimised.
To do this, the council is producing a detailed document, setting out how sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) can improve the environment and help developers better manage water and drainage on their completed sites.
With increasing episodes of heavy rainfall and flooding, the guide provides design and engineering solutions for managing rainwater. It suggests ways of slowing the amount of water reaching rivers, streams and water courses and reducing the risk of immediate localised flooding affecting property.
Examples of options contained in the guide include small-scale landscape and design-led solutions, such as rain gardens, green roofs and more green space, which can also improve the local environment.
The first draft of the supplementary planning document provides guidance on the council’s preferred approach and sets out ways developers can better manage site water and drainage.
The supplementary document is not part of the council’s statutory development plan but can provide an important tool, steering developers towards designs that can have multiple benefits such as minimising flood risk, increasing biodiversity, and enhancing the landscape character and quality of place – coupled with higher quality development infrastructure.
Frank Jordan, Cheshire East Council’s executive director for place
Frank Jordan, Cheshire East Council executive director Place, said: “The council wants to do everything it can to make sure it has the right tools to manage climate change and get the best outcomes for our residents.
“Alongside our environment strategy to become carbon neutral, and the environmental planning policies set out in our Local Plan, this guidance will help the council secure better development.
“It also provides clear guidance about policy expectations that should help developers come up with better designs in their planning applications, as well as support the council in determining them.”
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