I’ve been riding motorbikes for longer than I can remember.
And, for many of those years, following pedestrianisation of the town centre, I’ve been parking the bike up in the area outside the old Yorkshire Bank.
You’ll imagine my surprise then when I saw a motorcyclist being ticketed by a couple of Enforcement Officers.
I asked them what was the issue and was told motorcycles were classed as motorised vehicles, which weren’t allowed in the pedestrianised area.
Now I don’t wish to be pedantic but why aren’t those two standing at the corner of Queen Victoria Street and Mill Street, ticketing the hundreds of drivers who regularly use this section of the pedestrianised area as a rat run?
I’ll tell you why.
They allow vehicles to use this pedestrianised area but preclude motorcycles from using another pedestrianised area.
Several years ago, observing cars using the pedestrian area at the top of Queen Victoria Street and Mill Street I wrote to the Chief Constable for clarification.
An officer responded telling me it would be difficult to police it, would cause the drivers too much trouble and affect traffic movements in other areas of the town – so they turn a blind eye.
I’m going to continue parking my bike outside Yorkshire Bank – and if they ticket me – I’ll challenge the ticket for being discriminatory.
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