When Susan Doyle fell in town, breaking her hip, her daughter Emma Godridge was stunned by the response of Macclesfield folk.
Emma took to social media to express her gratitude:
“A huge thank you to the wonderful people of Macclesfield who stopped to help when my mum fell and broke her hip on the 1st April.
Susan Doyle
“We were just by the pedestrian crossing next to Tesco on our way to having lunch out when she slipped and fell. Literally dozens of kind people stopped to ask if they could help, including several car drivers passing by.
“Some of them waited with us until the ambulance came a couple of hours later including a lovely off duty nurse who refused to leave until she was sure my mum was in safe hands. It was cold and trying to snow so people initially offered their own coats and gloves, then went into shops to buy blankets, pillows and hot water bottles to keep my mum warm.
“A kind shop assistant boiled water for the hot water bottles.
“One gentleman magicked up a duvet, another lady went home and came back with a hot water bottle, someone passed a dressing gown out of their car window, and another lady bought drinks and sandwiches for everyone when we were warned that the ambulance might take 8 hours!
“Another man left some bunches of tulips for my mum because he just wanted to do something to make her feel better!
“It was obviously a horrible thing to happen to my poor mum, but the amazing demonstration of care and empathy we experienced that day has left a lasting impression on both of us.
“She is doing well now having had an operation to repair her shattered femur and is now recovering at home.
“My mum would like to extend her heartfelt thanks to the people of Macclesfield and to the amazing staff at Macclesfield general hospital.”
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