Above: Retiring Chief Fire Officer Mark Cashin hands over the Chief’s epaulettes to incoming Chief Fire Officer Alex Waller (note – when Mark took over as Chief Fire Officer, those epaulettes were handed on to him by retiring Chief Paul Hancock)
Cheshire Fire Authority (CFA) has confirmed the appointment of Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service’s new Chief Fire Officer and Chief Executive.
CFA Chair, Councillor Bob Rudd, announced the appointment saying: “I am delighted to announce that Cheshire Fire Authority has appointed Alex Waller as Chief Fire Officer, following the retirement of Mark Cashin. Alex and the other candidates followed a rigorous and thorough process and his success will see him officially take up the role on 1 October.
Mark Cashin is presented with a mounted fire axe by Chair of Cheshire Fire Authority Cllr Bob Rudd and incoming Chief Alex Waller
“I and my fellow fire authority members are looking forward to working with Alex whose wealth of experience and breadth of knowledge stands him in good stead to take up the role.
“I’d also like to take this opportunity to thank Mark for his inspirational leadership during his tenure, his dedication to public safety and equality, diversity and inclusion has been inspirational and we wish him every happiness for his retirement.”
Alex succeeds Mark Cashin who retires following a 33-year career with the fire and rescue service. Mark said: “Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service could not be in safer hands than Alex’s. We have worked closely over the past few years and I know that his vision and energy will continue to develop the Service further in order to maintain and improve what we offer to our communities.”
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