Bank card scam

One of our readers received a new bank card yesterday from their bank.

They told us they thought it odd – as their existing card had nine months remaining before it expired.

Accompanying the new card was a letter from the bank with instructions on how to activate the new card.

As it didn’t offer contactless our reader decided to go into her bank and have the card exchanged.

The bank informed them that they hadn’t sent out the card – it was a scam!

Our reader told us if they had activated it, they could potentially have lost all of their savings.

The bank contacted the fraud squad and an investigation is under way.

“People say to me I’m too suspicious of people and things” says our reader – “good job I am.”

We’re advised that her bank have organised a new bank card and all security details on the account have been changed.

The scammers are evidently upping their game – if you know anyone elderly or vulnerable please warn them to be extra careful.

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