Macclesfield Model Railway Group’s annual exhibition takes place this weekend – 20/21 April 2024.
A number of absolutely superb layouts to keep both enthusiasts and anyone remotely interested in trains and modelling occupied for hours.
10 am – 5 pm Saturday – 10 am – 4:30 pm Sunday
Adults: £9.00 Children: FREE (under 16 and accompanied by an adult)
A large number of trade stands are on hand to relieve enthusiasts of their hard-earned.
The standard of layouts on display is simply sensational – remembering that all the layouts have been constructed from scratch by their modellers.
Of particular interest to Macclesfield folk will be Jules Attard’s Hibel Road station layout.
Jules only completed his layout a few days ago, after two years working on its construction, so this is the layout’s first airing in public.
If you were around in the 60’s you’ll remember Hibel Road station in Macclesfield well.
Jules Attard’s amazing Macclesfield Hibel Road station layout
If you want to learn more of Jules’ work on his Macclesfield Hibel Road layout check out
A short video showing just a few of the exhibition layouts can be found here:
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