Macclesfield hustings next Monday

It’s a week to go until Macclesfield’s town hustings.

Parliamentary candidates will be at St Michael’s Church at 7.30 pm on 1st July to answer your questions.

There’s been a great response – and the organisers tell us they’re on the verge of being oversubscribed and starting a waiting list. 

If you’d like to submit a question and haven’t already done so, please email before Friday and include your phone number.

The question needs to be phrased so that any of the candidates can answer, not directed to one in particular. The organisers won’t be able to respond to everyone, but if your question is selected they will be in touch to let you know and explain arrangements.   

If you’ve applied for tickets but can no longer make it to the hustings, please cancel your ticket as soon as possible so that someone else can have the benefit of hearing from all the candidates.

They’re particularly keen to attract voters who are undecided. 

There are still spaces at the Under 30 Hustings being held at Tytherington School from 4.30 pm on Saturday 29th. Happily, the organisers have said that although questions will come from under 30 years olds, anyone of any age is welcome to attend!  Please do spread the word. 

Seating is unreserved and doors open at 7.10 pm. 

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