Another scam, this time Royal Mail

Yet another scam to watch out for – this one purporting to be from Royal Mail.

There’s usually a ‘tell’ in the content – poor English, grammar, etc – this one has the £ sign after the figure – so we’d guess it emanates from a European country where this is common.

Hang your cursor over the email’s sender and any hotlink and you’ll usually see the emails source.

Checking on the email’s sender reveals it came from – which we’re doubtful is an email address used by Royal Mail.

The email’s sole aim is to gain access to your bank account and part you from your hard-earned funds – so keep your wits about you at all times!

Never, ever, respond by clicking on an email hotlink – and don’t even click on the “unsubscribe” link – just junk it.

You may be tempted to contact Mona and give him/her some stick, but that merely confirms this email has reached a potential target – so don’t do it.

If you have vulnerable members of your family, or friends that could be taken in, tell them to be on their guard.

Stay safe out there.

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