Just for a change – a Tesco scam

Yes it’s another scam to watch out for – this one purporting to be from Tesco.

The ‘tell’ in this one is pretty evident. The fraudster has neglected to cover his/her tracks and left their suspect email address exposed:- tumblar587+arauja4@googlemail.com.

So you don’t even have to hang your cursor over the email’s sender to identify the emails source.

There is no survey – or anything else that might benefit you. The email’s sole aim is to gain access to your bank account and part you from your hard-earned funds – so keep your wits about you at all times!

Never, ever, respond by clicking on an email hotlink – and don’t even click on the “unsubscribe” link – just junk it.

You may be tempted to contact ‘Mona’tumblar587’ and give him/her some stick, but that merely confirms the email has reached a potential target – so don’t do it.

If you have vulnerable members of your family, or friends that could be taken in, tell them to be on their guard.

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