In a desperation act to stave off bankruptcy, Cheshire East is putting its land and building assets up for grabs.
Town and parish councils, charities, community interest companies, social enterprises and constituted bodies are being offered first dibs on assets. Transfer these out of Cheshire East and the liability and costs of maintenance go with them.
If Macclesfield Town Council’s acquisition of the South Park Pavilion (with its potential £2 million liability) is anything to go by, parish and town councils will be lining up to take on responsibility and spend our cash on things we’ve already paid for in our Cheshire East Council Tax.
And, as our local parish and town councils aren’t subject to the same financial limitations as Cheshire East the result will see precepts (and therefore your council tax) going through the roof.
Cheshire East tell us it is: “Working in partnership to support communities to address local priorities “Involving residents and communities in the design and delivery of services “Supporting voluntary and community sector organisations as key Partners in the delivery of services “Making best use of our buildings and assets to support the borough and our partners “Allowing local people to have control over how the buildings and spaces that have significance to them are used “Providing opportunities to make reductions in the running costs of the council estate whilst also delivering local priorities”
Cut through the spin and you’ll see it’s solely about divesting Cheshire East of any and all responsibility – pass on ownership, make someone else liable for maintenance – and those responsibilities are going to cost us a hefty sum.
And, if you think that the transfer of any assets and the liability for their maintenance will lead to a reduction in your council tax, think again.
With unfettered parish and town council precepts – council tax can only go one way – and that’s up.
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