Cheshire East’s car park changes hits businesses

We suspect that Cheshire East stopped long stays at some Macclesfield car parks in a bid to ‘massage’ car park stats.

No doubt to justify the sale of two of Macclesfield’s car parks, Cheshire East amended the regulations on some town centre car parks, so anyone seeking long-term car parking, had no option but to park further afield or on the streets.

Of course that decision had to have a significant detrimental impact on the car parks where long stay was permitted or introduced.

And as everyone with half-an-ounce of intelligence would guess those car parks are now regularly full to bursting – which inevitably is impacting massively on some businesses in those areas.

Whilst the businesses concerned didn’t want to go on the record, a number have expressed their concerns to ilovemacc, saying such things as “the council’s support for business is totally lacking”, “they have no concept of the damage they’re having on Macclesfield businesses”, etc.

Add to this the chaos caused by ‘faulty’ pay and display machines, which refuse to take card payments, which means visitors can’t shop, which results in even more pressure on local businesses.

In addition, by putting more motorists off the car parks, the pressure on local streets is ramped up. But of course Cheshire East has the solution with its neighbourhood parking permit scheme. Which all sounds great until you realise that having a permit doesn’t even guarantee you a space. And, if you want to provide parking for visitors, you have to secure more permits – again which do not guarantee spaces.

So parking permit scheme residents could end up shelling out hundreds of pounds a year for nothing whilst shoppers and workers find their car parking options are reduced even further. And once the car parks have been sold off it’ll be a parking free for all.

So apart from virtually bankrupting the authority, helping close local businesses by bringing Macclesfield to its knees, failing to maintain the roads and making everyone’s life hell – in the eyes of their political supporters Cheshire East councillors are doing an ok job.

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