Annual Macclesfield town meeting

Macclesfield’s annual town meeting takes place on Monday, 24th March 2025.

The meeting will be at the Town Hall, Market Place, Macclesfield at 6 pm.

The statutory Annual Town Meeting provides an opportunity for members of the public and local groups to ask questions, make comments and raise issues of interest.

This can be done in 2 ways: –

1.              By submitting a resolution to be discussed at the Town Meeting. Written notice of the resolution must be submitted to the Town Clerk prior to the meeting. If the resolution is passed, the Town Council is obliged to consider the matter at a subsequent meeting.

2.              By participating and speaking to the Town Meeting.

If you would like to speak during public session, email  by 5 pm Thursday 20th March 2025.

If you would like to submit a written statement, please submit your statement for inclusion by emailing 5pm Thursday 20th March 2025.


1.     Welcome from the Mayor of Macclesfield

2.     Apologies for absence.

3.     Minutes of the Annual Town Meeting 22nd April 2024

4.     Updates from Town Council

5.     To consider resolutions and questions of which written notice has been given.

6.     To receive reports from electors (Discussion and Open Forum).

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