Ray Kramer, President of the Rotary club of Macclesfield Castle recently inducted two new members, Claudia Dobbie and Robert Bracegirdle to the thriving Rotary group.
Claudia began her life in the science world but retrained to be a teacher of Maths and recently retired after 27 years. She hopes to continue to help young people with the Rotary schools mock interviewing programme for year 11’s which begins in November as well as participating in the fun and fellowship that Rotary members enjoy.
Robert also started his life in the science world but moved to be curators of several museums in Scotland and England, the last being the ‘Bell foundry’ in Loughborough so we will all be interested to hear about his experiences.. He has been a member of several Rotary clubs with the last one at Loughborough Beacon and a President so has many skills to bring to the Rotary club of Macclesfield Castle. Details of clubs events from web site www.macclesfieldcastlerotary.or.uk
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