Wilmslow Town Council has provided a £29,000 to enable the Citizens Advice Bureau North (CAB) to continue providing services in Wilmslow.
The Citizens Advice Bureau returned to Wilmslow in September 2012, after the Town Council agreed to provide funding for them to set up a new operation in the town.
Up until 14 years ago the Citizens Advice Bureau had an office in Wilmslow but it was forced to close when the building fell into disrepair and they had insufficient funds to rectify the problems. After which the service, which offers free, confidential, impartial, independent advice and information on a wide range of subjects, was located in Macclesfield.
Cllr Christopher Dodson commented “I very strongly commend this to the Council since the need for the services of the Citizen’s Advice Bureau are growing in the view of the changes the government is making to the benefits system and I consider this to be one of the Wilmslow Town Council to date.
“I put it on a par with the planters, the planters everybody sees this is something not everybody sees, and many people have this preconception that there are no areas of deprivation in Wilmslow but we know this not to be the case and there is a big need for this service.”
Wilmslow Town Council voted unanimously to support the application for £29,000 which was a repeat of the grant they provided to CAB in the last financial year.
Why, you may ask, is ilovemacc reproducing articles about Wilmslow?
Well, at present I assume that Cheshire East fund Macclesfield CAB – but I’d guess if it’s decided we are to have a Macclesfield Town Council then maybe we’ll all be having to dig a little deeper into our pockets.
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