It’s good to know that despite the harsh press coverage meted out to a number of the UK’s police forces during the current crisis that Cheshire Police continue in their endeavours to make things safer for us all.
Latest news is that forthwith Cheshire police station helpdesks (i.e. police stations) will open for one hour a day – you read that right – one hour a day.
According to a spokesman: “These helpdesks will be for urgent issues where there is no other way of contacting police. Opening times for the helpdesks will be posted on the doors of each station every week and publicised in advance via Cheshire Constabulary’s social media account.”
Which seems to miss the point, as if someone in distress needs to contact the police and don’t have online access or a ‘phone they’re inevitably precluded from accessing Cheshire Constabulary’s social media account aren’t they?
Superintendent Peter Crowcroft said: “We recognise that not everyone can contact us online or via the telephone during these unprecedented times. So we have made the decision to open the helpdesks at 16 of our stations for one hour a day so that the people who need our service but cannot contact the police via any others means can report urgent issues.”
Closing police stations follows rapidly on the heels of Cheshire Police’s increase in their council tax precept which whacked a healthy £100+ a year on every Tax Band C council tax payer this year.
The precept was approved following Cheshire Police & Crime Commissioner’s online survey – which sought the views of taxpayers for the whopping, inflation-busting 5% increase.
Of course if you don’t subscribe to Cheshire Police’s Facebook page, have a ‘phone or computer, you wouldn’t know about that survey would you?
Which explains why the approval of just 1,601 residents, was deemed sufficient to secure agreement for the increase.
Gives you every confidence in Cheshire Police doesn’t it.
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