The police have been getting a bit of stick recently, for their apparent inability to do what most folk think they should be doing.
If you were to ask a class of junior school children to make a list of what they think the police should prioritise they’d probably come up with something like this:
- Prevent and tackle crime
- Make Cheshire’s roads safer
- Deliver justice for victims of crime
- Protect vulnerable and at-risk people
- Improve public confidence in policing
- Modernise our police service
Cheshire’s Police & Crime Commissioner, John Dwyer, is currently asking residents for their input on his refreshed Police and Crime Plan. It’s the Commissioner’s responsibility to publish a Plan that sets out people’s priorities for policing and crime across the county.
No doubt his department’s ‘research’ has cost Cheshire council tax-payers several thousand pounds out of the departments multi-million budget.
The Commissioner says that “The refreshed Plan, based on feedback received from the public over the past year, sets out what has been achieved since the first Plan was published and renews the Commissioner’s focus on the six key priorities.”
His research determined that Cheshire residents want to see the following from the police:
- Prevent and tackle crime
- Make Cheshire’s roads safer
- Deliver justice for victims of crime
- Protect vulnerable and at-risk people
- Improve public confidence in policing
- Modernise our police service
I can imagine this must have come as a huge shock to the Commissioner and the Chief Constable – pictured with the New Plan – the sum total of their joint efforts.
Is it any wonder that people have lost faith in the police?
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