Stand for Macclesfield Town Council – but politicians need not apply!

Town council elections: Will you stand? 

Cheshire East Council’s Constitution Committee has now approved the idea of a town council for Macclesfield. Elections will be held on May 7th.

Wakeup Macclesfield say: “It would be fantastic if this new body could be intelligent, determined and useful, with party politics held at bay and tangible, practical things achieved for the town. Whilst in many ways the council’s powers will be very limited, we know small things can make a big difference. And, importantly, whilst the town council won’t control planning decisions, it will be able to exert a strong influence via the creation of a neighbourhood plan.”


Neighbourhood plans

Neighbourhood plans are a new concept and are only just starting to be put into practice. Once a neighbourhood plan has been agreed through the statutory channels, it has legal weight and has to be taken account of in future planning decisions. The evidence so far suggests the neighbourhood plans already in place are having an real impact on planning decisions. That means local people really do have a chance of influencing future planning decisions.

****Please think about whether you could stand for the council, and work for a better town.****


Briefings for prospective candidates

Cheshire East Council have arranged briefings for potential candidates to explain the nomination procedures and other important election matters.

Here is the info:

Macclesfield briefings are scheduled on the following dates:

24th February 7pm and 5th March 7pm

Due to the limited number of places available at each of the sessions, it is very important that interested people contact the Cheshire East elections team to reserve their place as soon as possible. You can do this by phoning 01270 685922 or by email to:

Venue details will be provided upon booking.


Some interesting reading:

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