The leader of Cheshire East Council, Cllr Sam Corcoran, has resigned – hours before he faces a vote of no confidence.
Labour Councillor Corcoran announced he was standing down as council leader at today’s (17th July) meeting of the council.
Cllr Nick Mannion, new leader of Cheshire East Council
His place will be taken by Labour Cllr Nick Mannion.
Forty-eight councillors voted for Cllr Mannion as the new leader – 22 abstained from voting.
Cllr Corcoran’s resignation comes after publication of a highly critical peer review report, highlighting the council’s failures, from the Local Government Association. The report carried warnings of the potential bankruptcy of Cheshire East.
The council’s children’s services has also been rated as ‘inadequate’ in a recent Ofsted report.
Cllr Corcoran said at today’s meeting: “The Labour group has always stressed supporting children so the Ofsted inadequate rating was a particular blow.
“As the leader of the council I feel the pain of these setbacks and I have to take responsibility.”
“We are 54 per cent of the way towards our target of net zero” speaking about being a leading light in tackling climate change.
Cllr Corcoran has been leader of Cheshire East since control passed from the Conservatives to Labour in the May 2019 elections.
He is the longest serving Cheshire East leader. The Conservatives are the largest party on the council but don’t have overall control. The council is ruled by a joint Labour/Independent group.
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